Operation Jurassic explores the journey of a brother and sister photographers behind a prison sentence and its psychological implications, revealing personal moments and emotions. The subjects of this exploration are the authors of the project themselves as well as close people around them.
The project emerges from Roxana and Pablo’s need to detach from the situation they were faced with, but as time passed, it proved to bind them closer together resulting in a tight knit photographic collaboration with its own challenges. A series of issues from the past flared up alongside revealing unseen aspects of their persona allowing them to retrace and understand their relationship.
Pablo was imprisoned on 8th
November 2012 for an offence that involves an array of artistic values and skills. He was convicted over a charge to conspire to commit criminal damage by means of graffiti and sentenced to nineteen months in custody of which he served five and a half in prison and the rest on house arrest. Pablo’s situation had an effect on his personal and social life and consequently on Roxana’s too.
The compilation of legal documentation, paperwork, letters, drawings, diaries and photographs depicting emotions and moments before, during and after the custodial sentence provide the viewer with an intimate approach of the process whilst reflecting on issues of freedom, graffiti and justice.